Monday, October 14, 2013

Using a RSS Feed Reader

Using a feed reader everyday can be helpful to someone who follows many blogs/websites and needs to stay informed all the time with a minimum of effort. Since Google Reader has been laid to rest, and, after researching extensively, I chose NewsBlur as my feed reader. It is a personal news reader with iOS, Android, and web apps that serve the latest blog and website summaries enabling you to be organized whether using your laptop, ipad or smartphone. This feed reader offers Blurblogs - a means for readers to share stories they have read on their blurblog ( Once you log in your feeds appear and update in real time.  The interface offers four views for reading content: Original, Feed, Story and Text. The default is the Feed view which is the site’s RSS feed. The Original view shows the entire original site within the feed reader interface. The Story view shows a site’s blog post in sequence, newest post first.  Last, the Text view simply shows the text from the post. NewsBlur has training filters which enable you to hide or highlight stories as you choose. One can always go to the original site for more information on a particular subject. Using the NewsBlur app on a smartphone is simple and efficient, a good way to get those headlines fast.  Feed readers do the surfing for you.  If you have a blog or website syndicating your content is the way to go.

Below is a screen shot of the web based feed reader, NewsBlur, in action.

 NewsBlur Feed Reader

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